Trapped in the cove…

There are times in our lives that life will throw you a category WTF hurricane at you, seemingly just to see if you will fold or not, call if fate, God’s will, Murphey’s Law, karma, whatever.. you getting hit head-on.

It has happened to me many times in my life and some hit harder than others so i learned fairly early, despite how hard it hits and how bad it it hurts…I’m gonna be ok and survive this. and mind you, my brain is riddled with an alphabet soup of disorders so on a good day, I’m a bit much for myself, to be perfectly honest.

So, it’s always a blessing to have coves to stay safe from that storm and they can can come in many different forms, be it a home, famility to call on, a job or your faith.

A few years back, my marriage dissolved and that hurricane of doubt and depression was on its way and it was clear that I was smack dab in the middle of that cone of destruction and I was offered a new start in the form of a job, living arrangements and a fresh start in a new state, doing what i had loved for years…

It was my cove, an answered prayer that i hadn’t asked for so of course, I took it and moored myself in that cove to hunker down through that storm.

What i hadn’t realized was the storms throughout my life that had given me the belief in myself had also worn me down more than i had ever imagined. I was more plagued with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and the constant yearning to just get up and run the fuck away, to be honest.

Without realizing it, i was becoming my own worst enemy, almost like i was doing things

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